Jack Marso
Riya Patel
Chapter 31 Lines 1-10
At Caesar, etsi nondum eorum consilia
cognoverat, tamen et ex eventu navium suarum
et ex eo quod obsides dare intermiserant, fore id
quod accidit suspicabatur. Itaque ad omnes
casūs subsidia comparabat. Nam et frumentum
ex agris cotidie in castra conferebat et, quae
gravissime adflictae erant naves, earum materiā
atque aere ad reliquas reficiendas utebatur, et
quae ad eas res erant usui ex continenti
comportari iubebat
Chapter 29 Lines 1-9
Eādem nocte accidit ut esset luna plena, qui dies
maritimos aestūs maximos in Oceano efficere
consuevit, nostrisque id erat incognitum. Ita uno
tempore et longas naves, quibus Caesar exercitum
transportandum curaverat, quasque in aridum
subduxerat, aestus complebat, et onerarias, quae ad
ancoras erant deligatae, tempestas adflictabat, neque
ulla nostris facultas aut administrandi aut auxiliandi
That same night happened to be full moon, which often junctures very high tides in the ocean; and that condition was unknown to our men. Thus, simultaneously, the tide began to fill the warships as Caesar had on the condition to bring over his army, and which had drawn up on to dry land; and the storm initiated to toss the transport ships which were mounting at anchor against one another; nor had our troops means afforded them any chance of either managing them or of helping for any service.
A winter storm causes Roman warships to be ruined and damaged. This helps me visualize the scene. Image Courtesy of Full Moon
Julius Caesar's military brilliance is being captured within this section of chapters. Image Courtesy of Public Domain
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