




7.17 MC Answers and Review

6 min readjune 18, 2024

AP US History 🇺🇸

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Answers and Review for Multiple Choice Practice on the Early 20th Century

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Facts about the test: The AP US History exam has 55 multiple choice questions and you will be given 55 minutes to complete the section. That means it should take you around 1 minute per question.

The following questions were not written by College Board and, although they cover information outlined in the AP US History Course and Exam Description, the formatting on the exam may be different.

1. This Progressive Era reform represented the culmination of more than a half-century of activism by women's rights advocates and religious conservatives
A. the passage of the 19th Amendment
B. the passage of the 18th Amendment
C. the passage of the 17th Amendment
D. the passage of the 15th Amendment
Answer: The 18th Amendment to the Constitution allowed for the prohibition of alcohol at the Federal level, long sought for by religious conservatives and groups like the WCTU.
📄 Study AP United States History, Unit 7.8: 1920s: Cultural and Political Controversies

2. This Progressive Era moral reform was unjustly used against African American boxer Jack Johnson in a move that has been viewed by historians as having been motivated by concerns over Johnson's challenging of segregationist mores of the day.
A. the Sherman Antitrust Act
B. the Volstead Act
C. the 17th Amendment
D. the Mann Act
Answer: Jack Johnson was prosecuted under the Mann Act (a law designed to outlaw "white slavery") in response to his social associations with individuals of the opposite race.
📄 Study AP United States History, Unit 7.4: The Progressives

3.  This location is the site of a tragedy that was one of the worst industrial disasters in US history, leading to thorough workplace reforms and safety requirements.
A. Love Canal, New York
B. Lake Erie, Ohio
C. Three Mile Island, New Jersey
D. Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City
Answer: More than 140 women died in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, leading to workplace safety requirements and the formation of an effective union for the (largely immigrant) seamstresses

4. Which Progressive Era president is correctly matched with reforms completed in their administrations?
A. William Howard Taft - Creation of the Department of Commerce
B. Theodore Roosevelt - passage of the Payne-Aldrich Tariff
C. Woodrow Wilson - Creation of the Federal reserve
D. William Howard Taft - Dissolution of the Northern Securities Corporation trust
Answer: Woodrow Wilson spearheaded the creation of the Federal Reserve System.
📄 Study AP United States History, Unit 7.4: The Progressives

5. This African American leader promoted the concept of a "Talented Tenth" as an 'aristocracy of talent and character' to promote civil rights.
A. Phyllis Wheatly
B. W.E.B. du Bois
C. Booker T Washington
D. Marcus Garvey
Answer: W.E.B. du Bois promoted the concept of an aristocratic "talented tenth' as a vanguard of African American civil rights.
📄 Study AP United States History, Unit 7.4: The Progressives

6. The Supreme Court decision, in this case, invalidated the National Industrial Recovery Act.
A. Dennis v. US
B. United States v. Butler
C. Schechter Brothers Poultry v. US
D. Wabash vs. Illinois
Answer: The Supreme Court ruled in Schechter that the NIRA was unconstitutional as it called for federal regulation of intrastate trade.

7. The debate over the annexation of this geographic area led to a public dispute between the president and anti-imperialists such as Andrew Carnegie and Mark Twain.
A. The Philippines
B. Puerto Rico
C. Cuba
D. Panama
Answer: The Anti Imperialist League was formed in opposition to the annexation of the Philippines by the United States following the Spanish-American war.
📄 Study AP United States History, Unit 7.2: Imperialism: Debates

8. A revolution in this nation positively influenced Woodrow Wilson's position on the United States entering World War 1.
A. Panama
B. Germany
C. France
D. Russia
Answer: The Russian revolution removed tsarist Russia from the war, enabling Wilson to declare that the US was fighting to "make the world safe for democracy"
📄 Study AP United States History, Unit 7.5: World War I: Military and Diplomacy

9. This politician rose to national prominence through his leadership of the Belgian Relief Effort in World War 1 and the Food Administration
A. Eugene Debs
B. George Creel
C. Mitchell Palmer
D. Herbert Hoover
Answer: Herbert Hoover rose to national fame for first aiding the war-stricken people of Belgium and then leading the US Food Administration during World War 1.
📄 Study AP United States History, Unit 7.6: World War I: Home Front

10. The Supreme Court decision, in this case, established the scope of the US government's powers to police speech in wartime.
A. Marcus Garvey
B. Eugene Debs
C. Charles Schenk
D. Mitchell Palmer
Answer: Schenk v. US upheld the conviction of Charles Schenk for violating the Espionage Act, establishing the government's power to regulate speech that poses a "clear and present danger" to the National Interest.
📄 Study AP United States History, Unit 7.6: World War I: Home Front

11. In the years between World War 1 and World War 2, the African American community experienced all of the following except for
A. a flowering of artistic expression known as the Harlem Renaissance
B. the success of the Double V campaign
C. marked increases in-migration from the rural south to the urban north
D. violence in northern cities
Answer: The Double V campaign was an effort waged during the Second World War, not the first.
📄 Study AP United States History, Unit 7.8: 1920s: Cultural and Political Controversies

12. Economic growth in the 1920s was fueled by all of the following EXCEPT for
A. government spending on military preparedness
B. purchases made on credit
C. consumer demand fueled by advertising
D. price deflation due to mass production
Answer: Defense spending was a feature of the 1950s-80s economy, not the 1920's
📄 Study AP United States History, Unit 7.7: 1920s: Innovations

13. All of the following are examples of cultural tensions in the 1920s except for
A. the Scopes Trial
B. the Sacco and Vanzetti Trial
C. "Beat" poets
D. the resurrection of the KKK
Answer: Beat poets were examples of cultural dissonance in the 1950s, not the 1920s.
📄 Study AP United States History, Unit 7.8: 1920s: Cultural and Political Controversies

14. African Americans facing criminal charges in this Southern City rose to international prominence in the 1930s when the Supreme Court overturned their death penalty convictions (although some stayed incarcerated into the 1950s) due to inadequate representation and a racially biased jury pool.
A. Montgomery, Alabama
B. Macon, Georgia
C. Atlanta, Georgia
D. Scottsboro, Alabama
Answer: The "Scottsboro Boys" case represents a minor victory for African American legal rights in the 1930s.

15. Which of the following New Deal programs is correctly matched with the population primarily served by its effects?
A. the WPA - The Unemployed
B. the Social Security Act - the unemployed
C. the AAA - industrial workers
D. the CCC - African American farmers
Answer: The WPA created government jobs to provide work (in a range of fields, including creative arts) for the unemployed.
📄 Study AP United States History, Unit 7.10: The New Deal

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