3 min readβ’november 16, 2020
Peter Cao
// This is a single line comment. You start one with the //
/* This is a multi-line comment. There is a lot to be said in this comment
* that cannot be fit in one line, you start one with /* and end it with
/** This a description of what the class, method, or constructor does, you start this
* with /** (note that this has 2 asterisks instead of one)
* and end like a multi-line comment.
* Here, you also put preconditions as well, which are constraints
* that your input must follow as well as postconditions, which
* are constraints that the output must follow. These can also be put into
* regular comments as well. Preconditions have to be enforced by the user
* and the programmer has no obligation to check for faulty output, however if
* the programmer does, this is done with the use of try-catch and throw statements
* which are beyond the scope of this unit's goals.
/** Represents an assignment that a student will complete
public class Assignment {
private boolean correctAnswer; // represents the answer to an assignment, either T/F
/** Makes a new assignment with one True/False question and sets the correct answer
public Assignment(boolean answer) {
correctAnswer = answer;
/** Represents a high school student
public class Student {
private int gradeLevel; // a grade between 9-12
private String name; // the students name in the form "FirstName LastName"
private int age; // the student's age, must be positive
private Assignment assignment; // the current assignment the student is working on
/** Makes a new student with grade gradeLev, name fullName, and age ageNum
public Student(int gradeLev, String fullName, int ageNum) {
gradeLevel = gradeLev;
name = fullName;
age = ageNum;
averageGrade = 0; // There is no grade since no assignments have been submitted
assignment = null; // There is no active assignment at the moment
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