5 min readβ’january 13, 2023
Peter Cao
Milo Chang
If there is a local variable (usually a parameter) and a global variable (usually an instance variable) in the same method with the same name, the local variable takes precedence. However, it is convention for our constructor and mutator parameters to have the same names as our instance variables!
for the instance variable and simply variableName
for the local variable.objectName.methodName(this)
where the parameters include the default values as well. We can also use this way as a method call to call a method inside a method call as well using this.methodName()
./** Represents an assignment that a student will complete
public class Assignment {
private boolean correctAnswer; // represents the answer to an assignment, either T/F
/** Makes a new assignment with one True/False question and sets the correct answer
public Assignment(boolean correctAnswer) {
this.correctAnswer = correctAnswer;
/** Makes a new assignment with a randomized answer
public Assignment() {
double number = Math.random();
// Makes a random double and sets answer to false if less than 0.5, otherwise true
if number < 0.5 {
} else {
/** Prints details about the assignment
public String toString() {
return "This is an assignment with correct answer " + answer;
/** Grades an assignment, returns true if correct, false if incorrect
public boolean gradeAssignment(boolean studentAnswer) {
return studentAnswer == correctAnswer;
/** Represents a high school student
public class Student {
private int gradeLevel; // a grade between 9-12
private String name; // the students name in the form "FirstName LastName"
private int age; // the student's age, must be positive
private Assignment assignment; // the current assignment the student is working on
private int assignmentsComplete; // numbers of assignments completed
private int correctAssignments; // number of correct assignments
private static final int A_BOUNDARY = 0.9;
private static final int B_BOUNDARY = 0.8;
private static final int C_BOUNDARY = 0.7;
private static final int D_BOUNDARY = 0.6;
private static String school = "The Fiveable School";
/** Makes a new student with grade gradeLev, name fullName, and age ageNum
public Student(int gradeLevel, String namelName, int age) {
this.gradeLevel = gradeLevel;
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
assignment = null; // There is no active assignment at the moment
assignmentsComplete = 0; // no assignments complete yet
correctAssignments = 0;
/** Returns the student's grade level
public int getGradeLevel() {
return gradeLevel;
/** Returns the student's name
public String getName() {
return name;
/** Returns the current assignment the student is working on
public Assignment returnCurrentAssignment() {
return assignment;
/** Prints details about the student
public String toString() {
return name + ", a " + gradeLevel + "th grade high school student has an average grade of " + averageGrade + ".";
/** Changes the student's name
public void setName(String fullName) {
name = fullName;
/** Changes the student's grade level
public void setGradeLevel(int gradeLev) {
gradeLevel = gradeLev;
/** Gives the student a new assignment
public void newAssignment() {
assignment = new Assignment();
/** Submits an assignment
public void submitAssignment() {
boolean grade = assignment.gradeAssignment();
if grade {
/** Calculates the student's grade as a decimal
public double getGradeDecimal() {
return (double) correctAssignments / assignmentsComplete;
/** Gets the student's letter grade
public String getLetterGrade() {
double grade = this.getGradeDecimal(); // get the decimal grade
// compares the grade to the grade boundaries
if grade >= A_BOUNDARY {
return "A";
} else if grade >= B_BOUNDARY {
return "B";
} else if grade >= C_BOUNDARY {
return "C";
} else if grade >= D_BOUNDARY {
return "D";
} else {
return "F";
/** Changes the school that the students go to
public static void setSchool(String schoolName) {
school = schoolName;
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