




1.13 MC Answers and Review

6 min readjanuary 13, 2023

AP European History 🇪🇺

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Answers and Review for Multiple Choice Practice on the Renaissance and Exploration


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Facts about the test: The AP European History exam has 55 multiple choice questions and you will be given 55 minutes to complete the section. That means it should take you around 15 minutes to complete 15 questions.

*The following questions were not written by CollegeBoard and although they cover information outlined in the AP European History Course and Exam Description the formatting on the exam may be different.

1. Which of the following is a reason why the Renaissance began in Italy?

A. The rest of Europe was largely still tribal and did not have the political structure capable of supporting a renaissance.
B. Italy had recently become united under a strong and wealthy king.
C. The geographic location of Italy in Europe made them a central point of trade which brought it in money and ideas into the peninsula.
D. Ottoman scholars traveled to Italy and shared history and knowledge with the Italian city states.
Answer: One of the key reasons why the Renaissance was able to start in Italy was because of its geographic center in Europe. By the late Middle Ages, Italy had become the center of trade in Europe. This influx of wealth would eventually lead to the sponsorship of artists, sculptors, and architects.
📄 Study AP European History, Unit 1.2: Italian Renaissance  

2. Which subject would be included in a humanist education?

A. Math
B. History
C. Catholic Studies
D. Engineering
Answer: Humanists stressed the need for a well rounded education that usually focused on history, politics, ethics, and art. These were some of the key elements of Ancient Roman education that humanists got their inspiration from.
📄 Study AP European History, Unit 1.2: Italian Renaissance

3. In what ways did Humanism impact women during the Renaissance?

A. Women of all social classes got easier access to education.
B. Women received the right to participate in Italian politics.
C. Universities were developed that catered specifically to women.
D. Wealthy women could potentially receive a humanist education that could lead to patronage and possibly authoring books.
Answer: While humanism did lead to some women getting educated, it was heavily limited to wealthy women. Even if a woman was educated, her opportunities were still very limited.
📄 Study AP European History, Unit 1.2: Italian Renaissance (Humanism)

4. Which of the following was not a characteristic of Italian Renaissance art?

A. Bright and vibrant colors.
B. An appreciation for both secular and nonsecular themes and subjects.
C. The use of realism and perspective.
D. The use of abstract lines and colors.
Answer: While there is a wide variety of Italian Renaissance art, there are some common themes. Specifically, the use of perspective and bright colors tend to define Italian Renaissance art.
📄 Study AP European History, Unit 1.2: Italian Renaissance Art

5. What is a similarity between the Northern Renaissance and the Italian Renaissance?

A. Both developed around centers of commerce.
B. Both criticized Christianity and the Catholic Church.
C. Both emphasized art that focused on the lives of everyday Europeans
D. Both only used traditional artistic methods and did not experiment with new methods.
Answer: Even though the Italian Renaissance started before the Northern Renaissance, both developed around areas of Europe that were experiencing economic growth.
📄 Study AP European History, Unit 1.3: Northern Renaissance 

6. Which artist painted the roof of the Sistine Chapel?

A. Brunelleschi
B. Michelangelo
C. Donatello
D. Albrecht Durer
Answer: Michelangelo was one of the most notable artists of the Italian Renaissance. He was a master sculptor and painter.
📄 Study AP European History, Unit 1.2: Italian Renaissance Art

7. Known for his woodcuts and portraits, this artist was the most notable during the Northern Renaissance.

A. Michelangelo
B. Pieter Bruegel
C. Albrecht Durer
D. Raphael
Answer: Durer was one of the most notable artists during the Northern Renaissance. Even during his lifetime, his portraits and wood cuttings were sought after.
📄 Study AP European History, Unit 1.3: Northern Renaissance Art

8. Which of the following would not be a characteristic of the New Monarchs?

A. ​​Worked to reign in the power of the nobility.
B. Subservience to the nobility
C. Made attempts to centralize the government
D. Worked to create more modern militaries.
Answer: The new monarchies were defined by their desire to modernize their states. This was often done by centralizing the government and decreasing the power of the nobility.
📄 Study AP European History, Unit 1.5: New Monarchies from 1450-1648

9. What larger religious, cultural, and political group dominated trade during much of the Middle Ages?

A. The Islamic Empires
B. The Ming Dynasty
C. The Songhai Empire
D. The Catholic Church
Answer: Throughout most of the middle ages the Islamic Empires controlled major trade routes through Asia, Africa, and into Europe.
📄 Study AP European History, Unit 1.1: Medieval Europe 

10. Which of the following was not a piece of technology that made overseas exploration more possible?

A. Astrolabe
B. Compass
C. Lateen Sail
D. Steel-plated ships
Answer: Several technological advancements made overseas exploration possible, but steel-plated ships were not developed until the 1800s.
📄 Study AP European History, Unit 1.6: Age of Exploration 

11. Which European country was the first to start overseas exploration?

A. England
B. Spain
C. Portugal
D. France
Answer: Portugal was the first country to start overseas exploration. They attempted and were successful in establishing a trade route that went south around the bottom of Africa.
📄 Study AP European History, Unit 1.6: Age of Exploration 

12. Which of the following was a motivation for European exploration?

A. God
B. Glory
C. Gold
D. All of the above
Answer: There were a variety of factors that pushed Europeans toward exploration, but they can usually be summed up as God, Glory, and Gold.
📄 Study AP European History, Unit 1.6: Age of Exploration

13. It is believed that upwards of ninety percent of all Native American peoples perished because of European exploration. What was the primary cause of this?

A. Enslavement
B. European disease
C. Warfare
D. Natural Disasters
Answer: Because European disease had never been seen on the American continents it wreaked havoc on the native peoples with millions dying because of disease.
📄 Study AP European History, Unit 1.8: Columbian Exchange

14. What effect did exploration have on Europe?

A. The population of some areas grew because of the introduction of new foods.
B. The population of some areas shrank because of new diseases.
C. Feudalism ended across almost the entirety of Europe.
D. The lives of all Europeans improved.
Answer: Introduction of food like the potato and corn led to the populations in areas like Russia and Ireland increasing.
📄 Study AP European History, Unit 1.8: Columbian Exchange

15. Which of the following is true about African slavery?

A. It forcefully relocated millions of African peoples.
B. It disrupted African politics and culture
C. The slave trade in Africa already existed internally in Africa before the arrival of Europeans.
D. All of the above
Answer: The African Slave Trade was one of the most disruptive and destructive events in history. Not only did it have an impact on African culture, but on North American and South American culture as well. While a slave trade did exist in Africa before European arrival, it was massively increased during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries.
📄 Study AP European History, Unit 1.9: The Slave Trade

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