




3.2 Art as a Challenger of Perspective

3 min readjanuary 13, 2023

Claire Duggan

Claire Duggan

AP French  🇫🇷

52 resources
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How does art both challenge and reflect cultural perspectives?

En quoi les arts à la fois défient-ils et reflètent-ils les perspectives culturelles?


Street art, Morocco Image Courtesy of scenearabia

Art influences society by challenging opinions, translating experiences across space and time, but also promoting shared values. At a time when youth culture controls the world, these public art exhibits invite the observer to consider the importance of these two old men.

Hommage à Leonard Cohen - Street art in Montréal Québec Image Courtesy of tripadvisor

Art encourages us to value our creativity and to search constantly for new ideas. Artists 🎨 often aim to break rules and find unorthodox ways of approaching contemporary issues. In fact, the impressionist movement (19th century France) emerged from artists who did just this:
"Radicaux à leur époque, les premiers impressionnistes ont violé les règles de la peinture académique...Ils ont également peint des scènes réalistes de la vie moderne, et souvent peint à l’extérieur, englobant ce que ses adhérents soutenaient était une manière de voir différente" (hisour)

Monet Impressionisme: Soleil levant (Image Courtesy of wikipedia)

What was once outrageous 😲 to both Parisian society and the art world is now appreciated by art aficionados all over the world 🌍 Paintings of everyday people and objects may seem normal or even boring to us today, but in the 1850s, art was for the privileged few. Impressionist artists like Monet, Manet, Renoir, Degas, and Morisot portrayed the lives of the working and growing middle-class and made appreciation of art accessible to all. By defying established standards of the art world, these artists created new standards for beauty and an appreciation of everyday life through art.

Renoir, Déjeuner des canotiers (1881) (Image Courtesy of wikipedia)

The impressionists weren't the only group to challenge ideals of beauty. In fact, every major art movement questions the aesthetic of the preceding movements. This is true of all forms of art. One could say that the role of art is, precisely, to both reflect and challenge cultural norms.

Picasso, Portrait de Dora Maar (1937) (Image Courtesy of pablo-ruiz-picasso)

Strive for Five Vocabulary 🔑

mot / expression
explication en anglais

les canons de beauté / les critères de beauté
standards of beauty

les beaux-arts / les arts visuels / les arts plastiques
fine arts / visual arts / (painting/sculpture)

une perspective / un point de vue
a perspective / point of vue

défier / contester / provoquer / s’opposer à quelque chose
to defy / contest or dispute / provoke /  be opposed to something

inclure / soutenir / subventionner
to include / support /  fund or subsidize

un critique / une critique
a critic / the review of a critic

une exposition (d’art) / un spectateur
an (art) exhibit / a spectator

émouvant /inspirant / décevant / divertissant
(emotionally) moving / inspiring / disappointing / entertaining

créer / bâtir / construire / peindre / dessiner / sculpter / composer / représenter / incarner / incorporer
to create/ build / construct / paint/ draw / sculpt / compose / represent / embody / incorporate
Browse Study Guides By Unit
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🏠Unit 5: Factors That Impact the Quality of Life
🌪Unit 6 – Challenges in French-Speaking Countries
✍️Exam Skills - FRQ/MCQ

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