




3.10 MC Answers and Review

6 min readjanuary 13, 2023

AP Human Geography 🚜

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Answers and Review for Multiple Choice Practice on Cultural Patterns & Processes

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Facts about the test: The AP Human Geography exam has 60 multiple choice questions and you will be given 1 hour to complete the section. That means it should take you around 1 minute per question.

*The following questions were not written by College Board and, although they cover information outlined in the AP Human Geography Course and Exam Description, the formatting on the exam may be different.

1. "A particular group's material characteristics, behavioral patterns, beliefs, social norms, and attitudes that are shared and transmitted" is the definition of _____.
A. Culture
B. Material Culture
C. Ethnicity
D. Folk Culture
Answer: The sum of all of those characteristics listed in the question is known as 'Culture'.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 3.1: Introduction to Culture 

2. Which of the following types of cultures is best preserved by oral, rather than written, traditions?
A. Linguistic Culture
B. Non-Material Culture
C. Popular Culture
D. Folk Culture
Answer: Folk Culture, largely in places like the Amazon and Sub-Saharan Africa, is passed down through generations with spoken traditions in their religions and languages.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 3.1: Introduction to Culture 

3.  Which of the following is a Cultural Centripetal Force?
A. Speaking French in Belgium
B. Practicing Islam in India
C. The Language, Portuguese, in São Paulo
D. All people having jobs in the West Virginia mining industry
Answer: The most common language spoken in Brazil is Portuguese since they were originally conquered and colonized by Portugal in the late 1400s.

4. Which of the following is the best example of an ethnicity?
A. Caucasian
B. Hispanic Catholic
C. Asian
D. American
Answer: The other examples listed are 'races' or nationalities and not specific 'ethnicities'. It's important to note that race is based on the color of your skin and is a social construct while ethnicity is more based in personal heritage and sharing common physical/mental characteristics.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 3.7: Diffusion of Religion and Language

5. Which of the following is an example of reverse hierarchical diffusion?
A. Fashion Trends
B. Hip-Hop Music
C. TikTok Dances
D. Spread of COVID-19
Answer: Hip-Hop started as a music genre from many different hearths, but it diffused from normal-'everyday people' doing dances on the street to apps like soundcloud to record deals and huge concerts.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 3.4: Types of Cultural Diffusion

6. When a hamburger from the USA is eaten in India, it is usually eaten with a meat other than beef because it is taboo to eat that in Hindu culture since the Cow is sacred. What type of diffusion is this?
A. Relocation
B. Expansion
C. Stimulus
D. Hierarchical
Answer: Stimulus diffusion occurs when an idea or product moves to a different location, but it is also adapted to fit the culture of that new location.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 3.4: Types of Cultural Diffusion

7. What is the most common lingua franca in the world?
A. Russian
B. Arabic
C. Urdu
D. English
Answer: English is the world's most common lingua franca since it is used and combined with many other languages to do business in Europe, the Americas, and even in Asia.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 3.7: Diffusion of Religion and Language

8. The language of French used in Canada is slightly different from the one used in France. When the French initially colonized the Americas, they were not the only European power here and the many powers spoke different languages. This is an example of ______.
A. Cultural Divergence
B. Cultural Convergence
C. Relocation Diffusion
D. Stimulus Diffusion
Answer: The version of French used in Canada is a combination of French and English, and when those two languages met in the 15-16th centuries, they combined into, not a new language but, more of a combination of the two languages when used in the modern day.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 3.7: Diffusion of Religion and Language

9. Globalization is often cited as a cause of diffusion for _____.
A. Folk Culture
B. Popular Culture
C. Material Culture
D. Non-Material Culture
Answer: Globalization will always favor pop culture since it is easier to spread around the world and often adaptable to the places that it reaches, unlike Folk Culture.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 3.1: Introduction to Culture

10. What is the largest ethnic + what is the largest universalizing religion in the world, respectively?
A. Hinduism-Christianity
B. Christianity-Hinduism
C. Christianity-Buddhism
D. Buddhism-Christianity
Answer: Hinduism is the largest ethnic religion in the world by adherents, and Christianity is the largest universalizing religion and is actively seeking converts.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 3.7: Diffusion of Religion and Language 

11. Which of the following conflicts was started/is currently fueled because of religion?
A. Northern Irish-Irish
B. Pakistan-India
C. Palestine-Israel
D. All of the Above
Answer: Northern Irish vs Irish: Catholicism vs Protestantism, Pakistan vs India: Islam vs Hinduism, Palestine vs Israel: Islam vs Judaism
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 3.7: Diffusion of Religion and Language

12. As referenced in the Language Tree, what is the largest language family?
A. Altaic
B. West Germanic
C. Indo-European
D. Niger-Congo
Answer: The Indo-European Family has a lot of languages in it, but it also has the most speakers in the world.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 3.7: Diffusion of Religion and Language 

13. Using pop to describe a soda or a coke is an example of _____. 
A. Creolization
B. Dialects
C. Pidgin Languages
D. Syncretism
Answer: In the midwestern region of the USA, many people will describe sugary-fizzy drinks as pop while people in the southeast USA will describe that same drink as a 'coke'.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 3.7: Diffusion of Religion and Language

14. Which of the following religions is the best example of Cultural Syncretism?
A. Shintoism
B. Christianity
C. Islam
D. Sikhism
Answer: Sikhism was a religion created in the Early Modern area in South Asia as a 'Cultural Blend' between Islam and Hinduism.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 3.8: Effects of Cultural Diffusion 

15. From the point of view of an American citizen, I categorize the world into familiar and unfamiliar cultures, and often 'other' unfamiliar ones. What process is this point of view experiencing?
A. Acculturation
B. Assimilation
C. Globalization
D. Ethnocentrism
Answer: Ethnocentrism is when someone judges other cultures as less than theirs or makes other cultures less relevant because theirs is superior.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 3.1: Introduction to Culture

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