




5.14 MC Answers and Review

5 min readdecember 1, 2021

Dalia Savy

Dalia Savy

AP Human Geography 🚜

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Answers and Review for Multiple Choice Practice on Agriculture & Rural Land Use

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Facts about the test: The AP Human Geography exam has 60 multiple choice questions and you will be given 1 hour to complete the section. That means it should take you around 1 minute per question.

*The following questions were not written by College Board and, although they cover information outlined in the AP Human Geography Course and Exam Description, the formatting on the exam may be different.

1. Which of the following is NOT a form of commercial agriculture?
A. dairy farming
B. cattle ranching
C. pastoral nomadism
D. specialized fruit production
Answer: Pastoral Nomadism is a form of subsistence agriculture based on herding domesticated animals.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 5.6: Agricultural Production Regions

2. Which of the following did von Thunen place nearest the city center?
A. dairy farming and gardening
B. forest for wood
C. grains and field crops
D. ranching
Answer: von Thunen observed that perishable products such as milk and vegetables needed to be able to get to the market quickly to avoid spoilage, so he placed them in the first ring of his model.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 5:8: The Von Thunen Model

3.  Which of the following is NOT an example of a cash crop?
A. coffee
B. corn
C. bananas
D. cocoa
Answer: Corn is a common grain grown in the USA. Cash crops are grown for profit.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 5.3: Agricultural Origins and Diffusions

4. Agriculture that requires a high level of manual effort is called:
A. cultivation
B. reaping
C. crop rotation
D. labor-intensive farming
Answer: Labor-intensive farming requires most of the work be done by hand using manual tools.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 5.1: Introduction to Agriculture

5. Which of the following is an example of a clustered rural settlement?
A. areas 6 miles long and 6 miles wide
B. groups of homes located near each other in a hamlet or village
C. uses physical features of the local geography along with directions and distances to define boundaries
D. houses built on narrow lots perpendicular to a river
Answer: Clustered rural settlements are where families live close to one another and are surrounded by fields.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 5.2: Settlement Patterns and Survey Methods

6. All of the following crops are products of Mediterranean agriculture except?
A. apples
B. olives
C. grapes
D. figs
Answer: Mediterranean Agriculture is found in Mediterranean types of climates: erratic rainfall, mild temperatures, nearness to large bodies of water.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 5.3: Agricultural Origins and Diffusions

7. Which of the following is NOT an example of Mediterranean Agriculture?
A. Olives in Italy
B. Raisins in Greece
C. Lemons in California
D. Oranges in Florida
Answer: California, central Chile, South Africa and southwest Australia are regions known for their fruit crops and specialized plants that have a climate similar to the Mediterranean. Florida does not share that same type of climate.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 5.3: Agricultural Origins and Diffusions

8. Which of the following is an example of agribusiness?
A. mining coal for energy
B. cutting trees for lumber
C. processing crops into canned food
D. selling hand woven rugs
Answer: Agribusiness is a practice related to food production from farm to market to consumer.Coal and trees are not related to food production in the purpose stated in this question. Handwoven rugs may come from wool, but not food production.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 5.0: Unit 5 Overview

9. Oyster farming is an example of: 
A. labor-intensive farming
B. aquaculture
C. polyculture
D. GMO's
Answer: Aquaculture is raising of fish and other aquatic life for food to support people around the world.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 5.11: Challenges of Contemporary Agriculture

10. Which of the following is a characteristic of shifting cultivation?
A. a new site is designated every few years
B. swiddens not under cultivation are used for mining
C. a new site is designated very 50 years
D. debris is mulched to provide nutrients to the soil
Answer: Shifting cultivation involves 3 steps: clearning (slash and burn), farming (until land is no longer fertile), and moving (shifting) to another plot of land..
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 5.1: Introduction to Agriculture

11. Farming typically found in LDC's and used for production of food on small farms primarily for consumption by the farmer's family with manual labor instead of machines is called:
A. subsistence
B. plantation farming
C. pastoral nomadism
D. commercial
Answer: Commercial farming involves production of crops used for sale off the farm; pastoral nomadism is a system of breeding and rearing domesticated herd animals, and plantation farming is a system of agriculture for crops for trade and export.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 5.6: Agricultural Production Regions

12. In von Thunen’s theory, the key variable in an agricultural location decision is:
A. irrigation cost
B. labor cost
C. climate
D. Transportation cost
Answer: von Thunen's model is a formation of concentric zones to explain how distance from the market and cost of transportation affect the spatial distribution of agricultural practices.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 5:8: The Von Thunen Model

13. A series of links connecting a commodity's places of production, distribution and consumption is called:
A. industrial input
B. commodity chain
C. a concentrated animal feeding operation
D. cool chain
Answer: A concentrated animal feeding operation is an animal rearing system. A cool chain is a system that uses refrigeration and food-freezing technologies to keep farm produce in a climate-controlled environment.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 5:7: Spatial Organization of Agriculture

14. Which of the following rural survey methods results in irregularly shaped lots?
A. long-lot
B. metes and bounds
C. township and range
D. linear
Answer: Long-lot survey system organizes land into rectangular lots; township and range creates a checkerboard pattern on the landscape, and linear is a type of settlement pattern, not a survey method.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 5.2: Settlement Patterns and Survey Methods

15. Which of the following is NOT a primary characteristic of the Green Revolution?
A. high-yield seeds
B. synthetic fertilizers and pesticides
C. seed drill
D. increased irrigation and mechanization
Answer: A seed drill is a machine for planting seeds in a row, and it is one of the primary innovations of the Second Agricultural Revolution.
📄 Study AP Human Geography, Unit 5.5: The Green Revolution

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