




4.6 MC Answers and Review

6 min readjanuary 13, 2023

Dalia Savy

Dalia Savy

AP Psychology 🧠

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Answers and Review for Multiple Choice Practice on Learning


Image Courtesy of Open Source Textbook

Here is Pavlov’s dog and the experiment he did regarding classical conditioning!

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AP Psychology Unit 4 Multiple Choice Questions.
Facts about the test: The AP Psychology exam has 100 multiple choice questions and you will be given 1 hour and 10 minutes to complete the section. That means it should take you around 11 minutes to complete 15 questions.

*The following questions were not written by CollegeBoard and although they cover information outlined in the AP Psychology Course and Exam Description, the formatting on the exam may be different.

1. Who is considered the Father of Behaviorism?
A. Raymond Cattell
B. Carl Rogers
C. John Watson
D. Sigmund Freud
Answer: John Watson popularized the scientific theory of behaviorism. Cattell is a trait theorist, Rogers is a humanist, and Freud is, well, he is Freud: psychoanalytic theory.
📄 Study AP Psychology, Unit 4.2: Classical Conditioning

2. An example of an Unconditioned Response (UR) is
A. A pigeon pecks at a red light and is rewarded with a pellet of food.
B. Salivating at the smell of fresh bread baking in the oven.
C. Earning an A on an AP Psych test because Dad pays 5.00 for each A earned.
D.Clapping at a piano recital
Answer: An unconditioned response is an automatic, reflexive response to a natural stimulus. Salivation is an involuntary response to the aroma of bread. The other choices relate to operant conditioning and voluntary behaviors.
📄 Study AP Psychology, Unit 4.2: Classical Conditioning

3.  An example of negative reinforcement is:
A. Taking an aspirin because you have a headache. In the future, the likelihood of taking aspirin will increase.
B. Mom treats her son to ice cream because he took out the trash. In the future, the likelihood that her son will take out the trash for her will increase.
C. Dad spanks little Johnny because he disobeyed his mom. In the future, Johnny's disobedience will decrease.
D. Little Zef gets put in time out because he bit another child in preschool. In the future, the likelihood of Zef's biting will decrease.
Answer: Negative reinforcement is escape or avoidance conditioning and increases the likelihood the behavior will continue in the future. In this example, you are escaping the pain of the headache.
📄 Study AP Psychology, Unit 4.3: Operant Conditioning

4. An example of negative punishment is:
A. Taking an aspirin because you have a headache. In the future, the likelihood of taking aspirin will increase.
B. Mom treats her son to ice cream because he took out the trash. In the future, the likelihood that her son will take out the trash for her will increase.
C. Dad spanks little Johnny because he disobeyed his mom. In the future, Johnny's disobedience will decrease.
D. Little Zef gets put in time out because he bit another child in preschool. In the future, the likelihood of Zef's biting will decrease.
Answer: Negative punishment is when an appetitive stimulus, in this case, Zef's freedom is removed. Punishment decreases the likelihood the behavior will continue in the future.
📄 Study AP Psychology, Unit 4.3: Operant Conditioning

5. An example of positive reinforcement is:
A. Carrying an umbrella on a rainy day to avoid getting wet.
B. Mom treats her son to ice cream because he took out the trash. In the future, the likelihood that her son will take out the trash for her will increase.
C. Dad spanks little Johnny because he disobeyed his mom. In the future, Johnny's disobedience will decrease.
D. Little Zef gets put in time out because he bit another child in preschool. In the future, the likelihood of Zef's biting will decrease.
Answer: Positive reinforcement is when an appetitive stimulus is added as a consequence of acceptable behavior and it increases the likelihood that behavior will continue in the future.
📄 Study AP Psychology, Unit 4.3: Operant Conditioning

6. An example of a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement is:
A. Sitting out on a dark night watching for shooting stars.
B. Random drug testing
C. Getting paid every two weeks
D. BOGO specials at Publix (buy-one-get-one-free)
Answer: Fixed-ratio schedules of reinforcement is when a behavior is rewarded after a specific number of responses.
📄 Study AP Psychology, Unit 4.3: Operant Conditioning

7. Which is NOT an example of a variable-ratio schedule of reinforcement?
A. Hitting a home run during a baseball game.
B. Buying lottery tickets.
C. Fishing from a canoe on a quiet lake.
D.Going to Las Vegas and playing the slot machines.
Answer: Variable ratio schedules are when a behavior is reinforced after an unspecified number of responses. All of the incorrect answers involve gambling or sports which fall under the variable ratio. Fishing on a quiet lake is a variable interval because you are waiting, watching, wondering.
📄 Study AP Psychology, Unit 4.3: Operant Conditioning

8. In Watson's Little Albert experiment, Little Albert's fear of anything fuzzy and white, including Santa Claus' beard, illustrates which classical conditioning principle?
A. Generalization
B. Discrimination
C. Spontaneous Recovery
D. Extinction
Answer: Generalization is a concept in which any similar stimuli to the CS elicits the CR. The CS in the Little Albert experiment was a white rat.
📄 Study AP Psychology, Unit 4.2: Classical Conditioning

9. Positively reinforcing closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior as an effective way of teaching a new behavior is called:
A. Law of Effect
B. Token economy
C. Premack principle
D. Shaping
Answer: Shaping is an operant conditioning technique that BF Skinner designed in his experiments using pigeons. It is a useful technique in behavior modification.
📄 Study AP Psychology, Unit 4.3: Operant Conditioning

10. Skinner is to shaping as Bandura is to:
A. Punishing
B. Discriminating
C. Generalizing
D. Modeling
Answer: Albert Bandura's work in behaviorism is called Social Learning Theory where one learns by observation and imitation.
📄 Study AP Psychology, Unit 4.4: Social and Cognitive Factors in Learning

11. The work of ________ focused on operant conditioning; that of ________ focused on classical conditioning.
A. Skinner; Watson
B. Thorndike; Skinner
C. Pavlov; Bandura
D. Watson; Garcia
Answer: Thorndike and Skinner are both operant; Pavlov is classical and Bandura Social-learning, and Watson and Garcia both did work in classical conditioning. Therefore, the best choice is Skinner; Watson.
📄 Study AP Psychology, Unit 4.1:
Introduction to Learning

12. The name of Albert Bandura's social-learning experiment is:
A. Learned helplessness
B. The Bobo Doll
C. Cat Puzzle Box
D. Skinner operant chamber
Answer: Bandura's Bobo doll experiment is where he studied the aggression of children who watched an adult model hitting and pushing a Bobo Doll. He found children were able to learn through observation. Cat Puzzle Boxes were done by Thorndike, Skinner created the operant chamber or Skinner box, and the learned helplessness study was done by Marty Seligman.
📄 Study AP Psychology, Unit 4.4: Social and Cognitive Factors in Learning

13. The neural basis for observational learning and empathy is:
A. Amygdala
B. Mirror neurons
C. Hippocampus
D. Hypothalamus
Answer: The amygdala is part of the limbic system associated with fear and aggression. The hippocampus is involved in the formation and consolidation of memories, and the hypothalamus is involved in hunger, thirst, and sex drive.
📄 Study AP Psychology, Unit 4.4: Social and Cognitive Factors in Learning

14. The reappearance, after a rest period, of an extinguished CR is called:
A. Generalization
B. Discrimination
C. Acquisition
D. Spontaneous Recovery
Answer: Discrimination is being able to distinguish between a CS and similar stimuli to the CS. Generalization is when a stimuli similar to the CS elicits the CR, and acquisition is the association of the US and the CS to produce the CR.
📄 Study AP Psychology, Unit 4.2: Classical Conditioning

15. It is easier to train a dog to bark for food than to train it to chase its tail for food. This best illustrates the importance of ________ in learning.
A. negative reinforcement
B. respondent behavior
C. biological predispositions
D. generalization
Answer: Biological predispositions are presumed hereditary readiness, or preparedness, for animals and humans to learn certain skills, or to behave in a certain way.
📄 Study AP Psychology, Unit 4.2: Classical Conditioning

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