




3.6 MC Answers and Review

7 min readjanuary 13, 2023

AP World History: Modern 🌍

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Answers and Review for Multiple Choice Practice on Land-Based Empires


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Facts about the test: The AP World History exam has 55 multiple choice questions and you will be given 55 minutes to complete the section. That means it should take you around one minute to answer a question.
*The following questions were not written by College Board and although they cover information outlined in the AP World History Course and Exam Description the formatting on the exam may be different.

1. Which of the following regions was instrumental in providing the Ottomans a military advantage when building their empire?
A. China
B. North America
C. Africa
D. Southeast Asia
Explanation: Gunpowder originated in China, and through exchange via trade routes, groups such as the Ottoman Turks were able to acquire this technology. By acquiring gunpowder, the Ottomans were able to use muskets against their foes, who did not have the same, and this enabled the Ottomans to conquer territory quickly.
Learn about expansion of land-based empires here!

2. From which of the following groups did the Ottomans model their government system?
A.  Aztecs
B. Ghanians
C. Europeans
D. Persians
Explanation: When the Ottomans had conquered enough territory for their empire, they had to figure out a way to govern it effectively, especially since it was a multi-ethnic empire. Borrowing from their predecessors, the Persian Empire, the Ottomans used a similar, merit-based system to rule. Furthermore, the Ottomans divided their empire into provinces and allowed each province a certain degree of autonomy so that local issues could be dealt with immediately and efficiently.
Review Islamic gunpowder empires in this replay!

3.  The elite military forces that enabled the Ottomans to conquer so much territory were called
A.  Janissaries
B. Cavalry
C. Devshirme
D. Dragomans
Explanation: The Janissaries Corps was made up of boys who were taken as part of the Devshirme system. These boys were taught military skills and strategies for years, and also were skilled in the use of firearms - a key technological advantage that helped the Ottomans conquer so much territory Review Islamic gunpowder empires in this replay!

4. One way in which the Mughal Empire was unique from other gunpowder empires of the time was
A. They engaged in only limited trade
B. They were the only ones to practice a democratic system of rule
C. They were a religious minority within their own empire
D. Gunpowder was only minimally used to conquer territories
Explanation: The Mughals were Islamic and when they came to rule in India, they were a religious minority group who ruled over a majority of Hindus.
Discover more about land-based empires' governments in this guide.

5. Akbar the Great was most well known for his
A. Complex understanding of trade and commerce
B. Desire to bring equality to all women in his empire
C. Willingness allow colonialism in India
D. Practice of religious tolerance and discourse
Explanation: Akbar is most well known for his policies of religious tolerance within his empire. As well, he tried to create a syncretic religion called the Din-i Ilahi which blended the beliefs of Hinduism, Islam, and even Christianity. He also opened the House of Ibadat Khana, where religious scholars from around the world engaged in open religious discourse.
Watch a video here about the change of religions in this time period!

6. The Safavid Empire was different from the Ottoman and Mughal Empires in that
A. The Safavids were of Turkish descent
B. The Safavids were a Shia empire
C. The Safavids did not use gunpowder to conquer territory
D. The Safavids promoted religious tolerance within their empire
Explanation: The Safavids were the only Shia/Shi'ite gunpowder empire. Both the Ottomans and Mughals were Sunni Muslims. As a result, there was conflict between the Safavids and especially the Ottomans as they did not recognize the legitimacy of each other's rulers.
Review religion in Early Modern empires here!

7. The decline of the Safavid empire was due to
A. The loss at the Battle of Chaldiran weakened the empire, which will lead to its demise
B. The conquest of the Ottoman empire, which made the Safavids too big to be able to control
C. The changing of trade routes cost the Safavids nearly all the revenue they needed to run the empire
D. Mongol conquering of Central Asia threatened Safavid rule
Explanation: At the Battle of Chaldiran, Safavid forces were defeated by the Ottomans, which eliminated Safavid influence in Anatolia, a key region for trade. This loss, while not ending Safavid rule, will weaken it and help eventually lead to its decline.
Compare empires here!

8.  A key difference between the Qing Empire and other Chinese empires was that
A. The Qing did not practice Confucianism within their empire
B. The Qing opened their trade to more European nations
C. Women's status under the Qing actually improved
D. The Qing were not of Chinese descent
Explanation: The Qing Dynasty was founded by the Manchus, who were from Manchuria, and were not ethnically Chinese. This made them unique in that all other Chinese dynasties were led by people of Chinese descent.
Watch an overview of land-based empires here!

9. Which of the following policies directly led to the Opium Wars?
A.  The Canton System used for trade
B. The mandate that all Chinese government officials had to pass the Civil Service Exam
C. The conquering of Central Asia
D. The annexation of Japan
Explanation: The Canton System limited European trade into China; Europeans were only allowed to trade at two ports and the Qing rarely, if ever, purchased European products. This led to a trade imbalance for Britain, who decided to fight back with Opium, which led to the Opium Wars.
Watch a replay about imperial expansion here!

10. All of the following were effects of the Opium Wars EXCEPT:
A. More ports were open to European traders
B. Britain took direct control over China
C. Reparation payments had to be made by the Qing to the British
D. European citizens were allowed to live in Chinese territory
Explanation: Britain's main goal in China was to open it markets for European products, and build more of an economic, not political empire. Britain did not really want to directly control Chinese political systems or social systems. Watch a replay about imperial expansion here!

11. Which of the following was NOT a Chinese response to foreign incursion in China?
A. Self-Strengthening Movement
B. Boxer Rebellion
C. Taiping Rebellion
D. Exclusion Acts
Explanation: Both the Boxer and Taiping Rebellions were Chinese-led revolts against the ones they blamed for foreign incursion; Taiping: against the Qing government and Boxer: against Europeans. The Self-strengthening movement was the Qing's attempt to modernize China, with the goal of kicking foreigners out of China. Discover more about land-based empires' governments in this guide.

12. A key similarity between the Ottoman and Mughal Empires was
A. The use of meritocracy in the hiring of government officials
B. The religious make up of the people they ruled
C. Trade and taxation policies
D. The use of the millet system
Explanation: Both the Ottoman and Mughal empires used some form of meritocracy in their government system. Rulers of each empire understood that to rule such large, multi-ethnic empires effectively, it was important to have government officials who could do their job effectively and efficiently. Compare empires here!

13. The Shogunate system in Japan can best be described as
A. Democratic
B. Authoritarian
C. Feudal
D. Centralized
Explanation: The Shogunate system employed by the Japanese was a feudal-based system that relied on the cooperation of the Shogun and lords in order to effectively rule the country. It was a mostly decentralized system that allowed for some autonomy for local lords, called Daimyo. Compare empires here!

14. Which of the following men was responsible for initiating the reunification of Japan?
A. Jo Shi Yen
B. Toyo Ashikaga
C. Oda Nobunaga
D. Sato Tanaka
Explanation: Oda Nobunaga will be the first person to start the reunification process during the Sengoku period. His use of gunpowder enabled him to overtake other Daimyo and begin unifying parts of Japan under his rule. Watch a replay about imperial expansion here!

15. From which of the following nations did Japanese daimyos acquire gunpowder from?
A. England
B. France
C. Portugal
D. Prussia
Explanation: Portugal was the first European nation to take control of the Indian Ocean Trade Route, so it makes sense that they were the first European nation to hit the shores of Japan. It will be gunpowder from the Portuguese that will allow Oda Nobunaga to start taking control of Japan.

Learn about expansion of land-based empires here!
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