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AP US History Unit 2 Multiple Choice Questions.
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Facts about the test: The AP US History exam has 55 multiple choice questions and you will be given 55 minutes to complete the section. That means it should take you around
1 minute per question.
The following questions were not written by College Board and, although they cover information outlined in the AP US History Course and Exam Description, the formatting on the exam may be different.
A. tobacco
B. fish
C. rice
D. timber
Answer: John Rolfe's tobacco made Virginia an economically successful colony. Fish and timber were in the New England colonies and rice was in South Carolina.
Study AP US History, Unit 2.2: European Colonization
A. Massachusetts
B. Rhode Island
C. Virginia
D. Maryland
Answer: Lord Baltimore created Maryland during King Charles' reign. Virginia was primarily Anglican, Massachusetts was Calvinist and Rhode Island was a mixture of religions.
Study AP US History, Unit 2.3: Regions of the British Colonies
A. land grant system
B. encomienda system
C. plantation system
D. headright system
Answer: Tobacco value soared during the early 1600s and more labor was need to harvest the labor intensive crop. The headright system offered 50 acres of land to anyone who paid the passage of a new immigrant stimulating a rise in indentured servitude. Indentured servitude would later be replaced by the slave system.
Study AP US History, Unit 2.2: European Colonization
A. England
B. Spain
C. France
D. The Netherlands
Answer: Spain. The middle and New England colonies of the English empire traded a lot of beaver. In addition, both France and the Netherlands depended on beaver fur for their economies.
Study AP US History, Unit 2.3: Regions of the British Colonies
A. William Bradford
B. Roger Williams
C. John Winthrop
D. James Oglethorpe
Answer: John Winthrop helped establish the city on a hill as part of the Massachusetts Bay Company. James Oglethorpe helped found Georgia and William Bradford was part of the Plymouth settlement. Although Roger Williams lived in Massachusetts Bay for a while, he will later establish Providence, Rhode Island.
Study AP US History, Unit 2.3: Regions of the British Colonies
A. Pequots
B. Seminole
C. Cherokee
D. Creek
Answer: The New England colonies will have several battles with the Pequots. The Seminole, Creek, and Cherokee are all located much further south.
Study AP US History, Unit 2.3: Regions of the British Colonies
A. South Carolina
B. Pennsylvania
C. Massachusetts
D. New York
Answer: Although New York will be relatively tolerant, it will not have the Quaker presence that Pennsylvania does. Massachusetts will be primarily Calvinist and intolerant of other faiths. South Carolina will be primarily Anglican.
Study AP US History, Unit 2.3: Regions of the British Colonies
A. Coode's Rebellion
B. Leisler's Rebellion
C. Pope's Rebellion
D. Bacon's rebellion
Answer: Bacon's rebellion will ultimately lead to the end of indentured servitude. Pope's revolt occurred in the Spanish settlement in the 16th century. Leisler's and Coode's rebellion were both associated with the Glorious Revolution in the colonies.
Study AP US History, Unit 2.6:
Slavery in the Colonies
A. Forcing the crew to be 75% English
B. Requiring a customs check at all English ports
C. Ignoring the transportation of tobacco from England to France
D. Requiring a trade ship to be made in England.
Answer: Navigation Acts were passed to make sure all aspects of trade were governed and controlled by the mother country. Therefore, allowing a trade ship to land in Spain without being checked would be a good example of neglect.
Study AP US History, Unit 2.7:
Colonial Society and Culture
A. famine
B. separation from family
C. public shaming
D. whipping
Answer: Slaves faced a multitude of punishments; however, the threat of being separated by sale or trade from your family was the most feared.
Study AP US History, Unit 2.6:
Slavery in the Colonies
A. the Stono Rebellion
B. Bacon's Rebellion
C. Prosser's Rebellion
D. Nat Turner's Rebellion
Answer: The Stono Rebellion in South Carolina represented the desire for slaves to be free. The event resulted in numerous Whites and Blacks being killed and harsher discipline on slaves. Prosser's and Turner's rebellions would both occur in the early 19th century.
Study AP US History, Unit 2.6:
Slavery in the Colonies
A. traditional focus of theological knowledge
B. growing lawlessness in the colonies
C. the focus on trade
D. impact of the enlightenment
Answer: First Great Awakening preachers challenged the growing belief in Deism and thus encouraged people to dedicate their life to Christ. Although all three answers did impact the First Great Awakening, the fear of the spread of Deism was the primary focus.
Study AP US History, Unit 2.7:
Colonial Society and Culture
A. John Winthrop
B. Martin Luther
C. Jonathan Edwards
D. George Whitefield
Answer: Although Jonathan Edwards was influential, George Whitefield had a much larger impacts since he preached in all of the colonies at some point. Luther and Winthrop were from earlier centuries and thus not part of the First Great Awakening.
Study AP US History, Unit 2.7:
Colonial Society and Culture
A. Ohio Valley
B. Eastern Canada
C. Western Canada
D. Florida
Answer: The conflict arose out of the desire to trade along the Ohio River and lake Erie areas. Advancements by both countries into those areas had prompted Franklin to propose the Albany Congress shortly before the war broke out.
Study AP US History, Unit 2.1:
European Colonization
A. religion
B. importance of families
C. cash crops
D. education
Answer: Virginia focused on the production of tobacco for its economy. New England's soil and climate were not as conducive to farming. New England also had a much more familial-orientated society focusing on religion and education.
Study AP US History, Unit 2.6:
Slavery in the Colonies
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